A few days ago, my sister and I caught up for a coffee at a local cafe. Among other things, we were discussing our respective financial situations - I am self-employed and my sister has a young family and we are both finding money pretty tight at the moment. My sister told me about a great blog she stumbled across by a woman called Kylie Ofiu, who writes about ways to make and save money. Kylie has recently started a
money making challenge - an attempt to turn a few dollars into $1 million through successive doubling.
That sounded like fun! We could both use a boost to our incomes; being 30-something women with families to grow and support and long lives ahead of us. We both seek independence from the wage trade and desire more freedom. We have no desire to be rich, as such, but are both tired of struggling, tired of counting pennies, tired of worrying about whether or not we have enough money for the rent or the power bill. So why not? Let's give it a go! After all, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Kylie's challenge involved finding money to start with, whether it's 5c on the ground or $5. After paying $3.50 each for our lattes we thought why not just start with that? So instead of having a second cup (oh so tempting for us coffee-addicted sisters) we walked home in a flurry of excitement and determination.
So, here we go! We're going to do it! Do you want to join in? We'd love some company on this journey!
We set up this blog today to document the challenge each step of the way. While we're at it, we'll discuss various other money matters and ideas. And we'd love your input! If you are interested, go and have a read at
Kylie's blog for some inspiration!
And don't worry, we're in this first and foremost for fun, so it won't be too serious.
Today is Day 1. We have $7 in a jar. Let the fun begin!!